Lords Sitting of 17 October 2002 Series 5 Vol. 639

  1. Preamble 31 words
  2. cc951-3
  3. Afghanistan 954 words
  4. cc953-5
  5. West Coast Main Line Franchise 1,173 words
  6. cc956-8
  7. Temporary Workers: EU Directive 1,038 words
  8. cc958-60
  9. Football: Racist Abuse 1,010 words
  10. c961
  11. Business of the House: Prorogation 25 words
  12. cc961-74
  13. Housing Benefit 6,715 words
  14. cc974-1036
  15. Nationality, Immigration and Asylum Bill 30,887 words, 2 divisions
  16. cc1036-48
  17. European Communities (Definition of Treaties) (Stabilisation and Association Agreement between the European Communities and their Member States, and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia) Order 2002 6,179 words
  18. cc1048-60
  19. Nationality, Immigration and Asylum Bill 4,931 words
  20. c1060
  21. Barclays Group Reorganisation Bill [H.L.] 16 words