Lords Sitting of 12 October 1999 Series 5 Vol. 605

  1. Preamble 26 words
  2. c201
  3. Lord Carlile of Berriew 32 words
  4. c201
  5. Lord Oxburgh 48 words
  6. cc201-3
  7. Directors' Remuneration: DTI Consultative Document 865 words
  8. cc203-6
  9. The Countryside: Policy 1,402 words
  10. cc206-9
  11. Disability Rights Commission 1,140 words
  12. cc209-11
  13. Sudan: Peace Process 787 words
  14. cc211-83
  15. Greater London Authority Bill 38,831 words, 2 divisions
  16. cc283-97
  17. Art Colleges 7,024 words
  18. cc297-356
  19. Greater London Authority Bill 29,441 words