Lords Sitting of 13 January 1988 Series 5 Vol. 491

  1. Preamble 22 words
  2. c1227
  3. The Lord Bishop of Guildford 37 words
  4. cc1227-9
  5. Middle East: Peace Efforts 1,130 words
  6. cc1229-33
  7. EC: Single Internal Market 1,398 words
  8. cc1233-4
  9. Listed Buildings: Development Control 529 words
  10. cc1234-7
  11. Soccer Violence and Alcohol 1,217 words
  12. c1237
  13. Business 347 words
  14. cc1237-8
  15. Business of the House: Debate, 27th January 82 words
  16. c1238
  17. Business of the House: Debate, 15th January 331 words
  18. cc1238-9
  19. House of Lords Offices Committee 617 words
  20. cc1240-75
  21. Scotland: Devolution 19,621 words
  22. cc1276-313
  23. Environmental Pollution 19,760 words
  24. cc1313-38
  25. Press Standards Council 14,142 words