HL Deb 13 January 1988 vol 491 cc1238-9

3.15 p.m.

The Chairman of Committees (Lord Aberdare)

My Lords, I beg to move that the Third Report from the Select Committee be agreed to.

Moved that the Third Report from the Select Committee be agreed to.—(The Chairman of Committees.)

The report was as follows:

1. SECURITY The Committee were informed of a proposal to replace the computer system in the Palace of Westminster Pass Office and agreed that a share of the expense be met from the provision for Police costs borne on the House of Lords Vote.

2. COUNSEL TO THE CHAIRMAN OF COMMITTEES The Committee were informed of the retirement of Mr. K. Newman, CB, and of the appointment of Mrs. E. Denza, CMG, to the post of Second Counsel to the Chairman of Committees and Legal Adviser to the European Communities Committee.

3. COMPUTERS The Committee were informed of proposals to introduce computer methods for preparing the text of the Official Report (Hansard) and the proof reading of Acts in the Public Bill Office and authorised provision for these projects.

4. STAFF OF THE HOUSE The Committee approved a scheme of flexible complementing at a level equivalent to Civil Service grades 3 and 4 for future appointees to the three Principal Clerkship posts in the Private Bill, Judicial and Committee Offices and agreed to the creation of a new post of Legal Library Executive and three word processing operators for the Official Report.

5. PARLIAMENT OFFICE The Committee were informed of the promotions of Mr. D. R. Beamish to Chief Clerk, of Mr. E. C. Ollard and Miss M. E. De Groose to Senior Clerk, and the re-appointment of Mrs. F. M. Martin, Senior Clerk in the place of Mr. L. Rutterford, who is retiring. The Committee agreed a revised pay scale for general assistants.

6. BLACK ROD's DEPARTMENT The Committee agreed a revised pay scale for attendants.

7 LIBRARY The Committee authorised further provision for the employment of casual staff in the Library.

8. REVISED SCALES OF PAY AND ALLOWANCES The Committee approved increases in the rates of pay of the Chairman and Principal Deputy Chairman of Committees and confirmed the application of the following Civil Service memoranda, etc., to staff of the House of Lords:—

9. SUPERANNUATION The Committee were notified of the following awards made under the House of Lords' Staff Pension Scheme:—

  1. (a) Pension and Lump Sum to Mr. K. M. Newman, Second Counsel to Chairman of Committees and Legal Adviser to the European Communities Committee, who retired on 1st November 1987.
  2. (b) Pension and Lump Sum to Mr. J. Parker, Staff Inspector, who retired on 1st October 1987. [The Committee were informed that Mr. Parker's services were being retained on a fee-paid basis.]
  3. (c) Pension and Lump Sum to Mrs. D. M. Baker, Senior Reporter, who retired on 24th July 1987.
  4. (d) Pension and Lump Sum to Mr. J. R. Mellish, Executive Officer, who retired on 1st August 1987.
  5. (e) Transfer Value payment to Trustees of the C.B.I. Retirement Benefits Plan in respect of Mrs. P. P. Webster, Personal Secretary, who resigned on 31st October 1987.
  6. (f) Short service payment to Miss S. J. Griffin, Assistant Manageress, who resigned on 26th November 1987.
  7. (g) Preserved pension, lump sum and annual compensation for premature retirement to Miss J. Thomas, Personal Secretary, who retired on 22nd November 1987.
The Committee agreed to a recommendation that Miss J. Thomas should receive an additional lump sum compensation payment.

On Question, Motion agreed to.