HL Deb 30 October 1986 vol 481 c795

2 Clause 5, page 6, line 34, leave out "may be appointed by the authority" and insert "shall be appointed by the other members of the governing body.". 3 Page 6, line 39, leave out "local education authority" and insert "other members of the governing body". 4 Page 7, line 7, leave out "authority" and insert "other members of the governing body". 5 Page 7, line 10, leave out "the local education authority" and insert "governors". 6 Page 7, line 22, after "the", insert "local education".

Baroness Young

My Lords, with the leave of the House, I beg to move that this House do agree with the Commons in their Amendments Nos. 2 to 6 en bloc. This group of amendments provides for "parent proxies" to be appointed by the other members of the governing body, rather than by the LEA. The Government accepted the thrust of Opposition amendments moved at the Committee stage in another place that, where either an insufficient number of parents stand for election as parent governors or where the LEA has determined that elections for parent governors for a residential or a hospital school would be impractical, the other governors rather than the LEA should appoint proxy parent governors because they are likely to have closer links with the parent body than is the LEA.

There are consequential amendments to Clause 7, Amendments Nos. 12 and 14, and to Clause 53, Amendment No. 99.

Moved, That this House do agree with the Commons in the said amendments.—(Baroness Young.)

On Question, Motion agreed to.