Lords Sitting of 3 July 1986 Series 5 Vol. 477

  1. Preamble 40 words
  2. cc1025-9
  3. Zimbabwe: Detention of British Citizens 1,961 words
  4. cc1029-31
  5. Trading Codes of Practice 1,060 words
  6. cc1031-3
  7. Fuel Use and Atmospheric Effects 1,009 words
  8. cc1033-5
  9. Royal Ordnance Factories: Privatisation 1,033 words
  10. c1035
  11. Business 104 words
  12. c1036
  13. Business of the House 62 words
  14. c1036
  15. Company Directors Disqualification Bill [H.L.] 11 words
  16. c1036
  17. Insolvency Bill [H.L.] 11 words
  18. c1036
  19. Parliamentary Constituencies Bill [H.L.] 11 words
  20. c1036
  21. Family Law Bill [H.L.] 109 words
  22. cc1036-50
  23. Building Societies Bill 7,367 words, 1 division
  24. cc1050-64
  25. Peacock Report 7,223 words
  26. cc1064-85
  27. Building Societies Bill 11,943 words, 2 divisions
  28. cc1086-9
  29. Lord Chancellor's Salary Order 1986 2,183 words
  30. cc1089-92
  31. Crown Agents (Amendment) Bill 1,658 words
  32. cc1092-142
  33. Building Societies Bill 25,279 words
  34. c1142
  35. West Glamorgan Bill [H.L.] 21 words