Lords Sitting of 19 May 1981 Series 5 Vol. 420

  1. Preamble 23 words
  2. c827
  3. Lord Jenkins of Putney 35 words
  4. c827
  5. Lord John-Mackie 36 words
  6. cc827-30
  7. Airline Tickets: Wholesaling 1,386 words
  8. cc830-1
  9. Maternity Allowance Payments 593 words
  10. cc831-3
  11. The House of Lords and the Constitution 1,043 words
  12. cc833-5
  13. Tate Gallery Extensions 895 words
  14. c835
  15. Business 68 words
  16. cc835-6
  17. Transport Bill 121 words
  18. c836
  19. Judicial Pensions Bill [H.L.] 29 words
  20. cc836-7
  21. COMMONS AMENDMENTS 469 words
  22. c837
  23. COMMONS AMENDMENT 191 words
  24. cc837-88
  25. British Telecommunications Bill 27,568 words, 2 divisions
  26. cc888-93
  27. European Communities (Definition of Treaties) (Accession of the Republic of Zimbabwe to the second ACP-EEC Convention of Lomé) Order 1981 2,720 words
  28. c893
  29. Sheriff Courts (Scotland) Act 1971 (Summary Cause) Order 1981 268 words
  30. cc893-6
  31. Licensing (Amendment) Bill [H.L.] 1,162 words
  32. cc896-941
  33. British Telecommunications Bill 23,718 words, 2 divisions
  34. c941
  35. British Railways Bill 6 words
  36. c941
  37. Whitehaven Harbour Bill 11 words
  38. c941
  39. British Railways (Victoria) Bill [H.L.] 6 words