HL Deb 26 April 1977 vol 382 cc401-2

33 Clause 9, page 9, line 14, leave out from accept' to end of line 15 and insert the nomination or may confirm its rejection and shall inform the nominating body of his direction or confirmation, as the case may be, and the reason for it; and such direction or confirmation'

34 Clause 9, page 9, line 17, leave out direction to reject' and insert 'confirmation of the rejection of'

35 Clause 9, page 9, line 19, leave out from 'may' to first 'reason' in line 23 and insert within 42 days of receiving notice of the confirmation, appeal against the confirmation to the Court of Session and seek

36 Clause 9, page 9, line 23, leave out 'direction ' and 'insert 'confirmation'.


My Lords, I beg to move that this House doth agree with the Commons in their Amendments Nos. 33 to 36. These are drafting Amendments, the purpose of which is to state more accurately the functions of, first, the Secretary of State and, secondly, the Court of Session on appeal against a decision by the Registrar General to reject the nomination of a person to be registered as an approved celebrant. Amendment No. 33 clarifies the action to be taken by the Secretary of State in that, if he agrees with the Registrar General's action, he will confirm the rejection of the nomination rather than direct him to reject it, which he has already done.

The remaining Amendments make it clear that the function of the Court of Session, in the event of a further appeal, is to determine whether the nominating body is a religious body within the meaning of the Act. The Amendments also provide a 42-day time limit for such a further appeal. This period is in line with the time limit for other statutory appeals, and I am advised of that.

Moved, That this House doth agree with the Commons in the said Amendments.—(Lord Kirkhill.)

On Question, Motion agreed to.