HL Deb 26 April 1977 vol 382 c401

32 Clause 9, page 8, line 18, leave out ' man' and insert 'husband'.


My Lords, I beg to move that this House doth agree with the Commons in their Amendment. Provision is made in subsection (3)(b)(ii) of this clause for the parties to accept each other as "husband and wife". This Amendment removes what might be regarded as an inconsistency in drafting. It is not, however, purely a drafting matter. The distinction is still observed in the forms of marriage used by some religious denominations. However, the expression "man and wife" seems to be less favoured nowadays and two of the main religious bodies have suggested that it is inappropriate in the light of current trends towards equality of the sexes. I might add that the expression "husband and wife" is the term used in a Declaratory Act which the Church of Scotland authorities are preparing for submission to the General Assembly.

Moved, That this House doth agree with the Commons in the said Amendment. —(Lord Kirkhill.)

On Question, Motion agreed to.