HL Deb 11 November 1975 vol 365 cc1675-6

[No. 2]

Clause 2, page 3, line 3, leave out from ("was") to ("deemed") in line 4 and insert ("granted at any time before the commencement of this Act or was or is (at any time)")


My Lords, I beg to move that this House doth agree with the Commons in their Amendment No. 2. By removing future planning conditions from the categories in Clause 2 of the matters which are not local land charges, this Amendment makes these conditions local land charges. The categories in Clause 2 negative or qualify the categories of local land charge in Clause 1. Under the Amendment, future planning conditions will be local land charges within Clause 1(1)(b) or (c), the words of which are wide enough to include planning conditions. Under the Bill as it stands, planning conditions are excluded from Clause 1(1)(b) and (c) by the special words in Clause 2(e).

The purposes of the Amendment which were urged on both sides of the House in another place are these: first, to bring planning conditions within the statutory provisions in Clause 10 for compensation for loss resulting from the nondisclosure of local land charges; secondly, to give statutory force to the present practice whereby planning conditions imposed by local authorities are usually recorded in the registers of local land charges, so that the information provided on the registers about these conditions is provided in pursuance of a statutory duty. My Lords, I beg to move.

Moved, That this House doth agree with the Commons in the said Amendment.—(The Lord Chancellor.)

On Question, Motion agreed to.