HL Deb 02 December 1975 vol 366 cc473-4

2.43 p.m.


My Lords, I beg leave to ask the Question which stands in my name on the Order Paper.

The Question was as follows:

To ask Her Majesty's Government whether they will take any further action in the public interest with regard to scientology.


My Lords, this is among the matters which Her Majesty's Government are considering in the light of the Report by Sir John Foster on the practice and effects of scientology, and other evidence available to them on the activities of this movement.


My Lords, while thanking the Minister for that reply, may I ask, first, whether he is aware that for some time scientologists have been pressing for a Bill of Rights for lunatics? Secondly, does the Minister not agree that it runs against the principles of his Party that aliens should be forbidden entry into this country for purposes connected with scientology while there is nothing to prevent the citizens of this country from holding the beliefs or carrying out the practice of scientologists, and that therefore the registration of all practitioners of psychotherapy suggested by Sir John Foster should be expedited as soon as possible?


My Lords, the Report of Sir John Foster made a number of recommendations which, as noble Lords who have studied his Report will realise, are very difficult and complicated. Admission to the United Kingdom is refused under the Immigration Act when the purpose is to study, work or engage in the business of scientology, and this procedure has been in force since 25th July 1968. To date, there have been 181 refusals. If a scientologist requiring permission to enter the country can satisfy the immigration officer that he is coming here on a bona fide visit and has sufficient means to maintain himself, he is allowed to land for that purpose, but I would point out that he or she is permitted to remain here only for a specified period.


My Lords, since this so-called religion thrives on self-advertisement, is it really in the public interest to render it further assistance gratuitously in this respect?