HL Deb 08 May 1974 vol 351 cc492-4

2.48 p.m.


My Lords, I beg leave to ask the Question which stands in my name on the Order Paper.

The Question was as follows:

To ask Her Majesty's Government what pressure they, along with the European Parliament and the Council of Europe, are bringing to bear on our alleged ally the present Government of Greece to safeguard human rights and protect the life and health of political prisoners endangered by the appalling conditions under which they are compelled to exist on the island of Yaros.


My Lords, we shall continue to make absolutely clear to the Greek Government our deep concern over the suppression of human rights and the plight of political prisoners in Greece. The attitude of the European Parliament and the Council of Europe is a matter for those bodies to decide.


My Lords, I thank the Minister very much for his Answer, but is he aware that in 1968 the International Red Cross drew the attention of the world to the horrors of conditions on this island, and the world was so horrified by the report of the International Red Cross that the Greek Government were forced to close this island down?


My Lords, I am most grateful to the noble Lord for reminding us, and indeed the Greek Government, that this infamous island was closed as a detention centre for a time. It has now been reactivated, with abominable consequences for unfortunate people in Greece.


My Lords, bearing in mind the commendable zeal of the noble Lord, Lord Milford, for human rights in NATO countries, would the Government in replying to him also bear in mind the possibility that we might use some of his influence with the Warsaw Pact countries to improve the lot of political prisoners there, as depicted by Mr. Alexander Solzhenitsyn for instance? And is not what is sauce for the goose nearly always sauce for the gander?


My Lords, I have no doubt that the noble Lord will take an early opportunity of replying to that question.


My Lords, would the Minister take this opportunity of denying the allegation which is contained in the word "alleged" on the Order Paper?


This is a matter of view and, indeed, of prose style. In this case the country in question is an ally. We seek to co-operate in NATO for the sustaining and the enlargement of democracy and human rights, and to co-operate to the full with the members of NATO who are our allies.


My Lords, would not the Minister agree that it is a little curious that the noble Lord, Lord Milford, should be seeking to protect the life and health of political prisoners in areas which include one or two members of the previous Administration? Secondly, would the Minister not agree that in effect the present Administration in Greece can show human sentiments, in view of their consideration which led to the release on health grounds of Mr. Agathangelou, the previous Minister to the Prime Minister's office in the last Administration?


My Lords, I am almost inclined to give the noble Lord, Lord Milford, the opportunity of replying to this exchange. We welcome wholeheartedly the release of any political prisoner who is held in detention without the prospect of being properly arraigned and tried. However, on balance, it is clear, is it not, that the Greek régime is intensifying rather than lessening its oppressive practices and that it is the duty of us all, I think, to protest as often and as effectively as we possibly can against this?


My Lords, is the noble Lord the Minister not aware also that the late Conservative Prime Minister of Greece in a letter to The Times on December 31 last year deplored and underlined the horror of this prison being reopened?


My Lords, indeed he did, and so have many prominent personages in Greece and in other countries. It is a welcome fact that elsewhere the views which we have expressed in this House and in the other place are shared by people who are committed to democracy and human rights throughout the world.