HL Deb 19 July 1961 vol 233 cc669-70

3.28 p.m.


My Lords, I think it probably would be convenient if I replied to the noble Lord, Lord Silkin, by making the statement which my right honourable friend will, I hope, be making in another place at the moment. I think it will be convenient to repeat it as follows:

"There is clearly not enough time this Session for the Road Traffic Bill to go through all its stages in this House. There has, however, been valuable discussion of its provisions in another place and I am sure that the Amendments made to the Bill have improved it considerably. It is the Government's intention to reintroduce the Bill next Session."


My Lords, I do not think this is a new statement. It is just a kind of last-moment final apology at the end of the Session. No doubt my noble friends in all parts of the House will appreciate the fact that this explanation has been made, but we hope that it is not going to be a recurring factor in another Session.


My Lords, I would agree that these things are regrettable, but I think I can honestly say that I have suffered as much trouble in the cause of the Road Traffic Bill as any other Member of your Lordships' House.


My Lords, would the noble Viscount make a similar statement as regards other measures which have fallen by the wayside—the Weights and Measures Bill, for instance?