HL Deb 13 March 1956 vol 196 c309

My Lords, these Draft Regulations introduce a scheme for improved police widows' pensions in return for an increase in the rate of pension contributions payable by police officers. The present widows' pensions are normally flat rate awards. The new scheme will substitute a widow's pension related to her husband's pay and length of service, and will provide her with the equivalent of one-third of her husband's pension, subject to certain minimum payments. Special pensions will continue to be payable at a higher rate when the husband has died as the result of an injury received in the execution of his duty. Half the cost of this new scheme will be met by the police authorities and the Exchequer, and half by the officers themselves. The Regulations have been prepared to give effect to the unanimous recommendations of the Police Council for Great Britain, consisting of representatives of serving officers and of police authorities. I commend them to your Lordships in the belief that they will introduce a substantial and long-awaited improvement in the present Police Pensions Scheme. I beg to move.

Moved, That the Draft Police Pensions Regulations, 1956, reported from the Special Orders Committee on Wednesday, the 29th of February last, be approved.—(Lord Mancroft.)

On Question, Motion agreed to.