HL Deb 08 December 1942 vol 125 c473

My Lords, I beg to ask the first question standing on the Paper in my name.

[The question was as follows:

To ask His Majesty's Government, whether any special facilities are accorded to members of the Armed Forces of the various Dominions and of the United States during their stay in this country in respect of the dispatch of financial remittances to their dependants overseas; and, if not, whether they will consider the desirability of relaxing in such instances the regulations governing the export of currency.]


My Lords, it should be made clear in the first place that there are no restrictions on remittances within the sterling area, which includes the whole of the Empire except Canada and Newfoundland. No question arises therefore except for members of the Forces of the two Dominions named, and of the United States. So far as all these Forces are concerned, full arrangements have been made, as from the dates when they first arrived in this country, to enable them to remit to their dependants overseas up to the full amount of the pay and allowances they currently receive. These arrangements are operated partly through banks and partly through official channels—British, Canadian or American as the case may be—and the necessary detailed arrangements have been laid down in instruction to those concerned. The effect is that full provision has been made for what is recognized as a most necessary kind of remittance and that there is no necessity, or indeed scope, for any further relaxation. These arrangements are, of course, fully known to the military authorities concerned, with whom they have in every case been discussed and agreed.