HL Deb 07 July 1932 vol 85 cc708-9

Page 37, line 42, leave out from the beginning of line 42 to the end of line 2 in page 38.

The Commons disagree to the above Amendment, but have amended the words so restored to the Bill as follows:

Page 38, line 2, at end, insert ("in light agricultural or horticultural work").


This Amendment was moved by Lord Banbury, and is with regard to the employment of children under twelve. The House of Commons disagreed to that Amendment but have amended the words so restored by a slight addition, providing that in the case of children under twelve the prohibition shall not apply where the employment is of a light and seasonable character. I think your Lordships will agree that it is a very reasonable exception. There are many circumstances in which it is very desirable, or not undesirable, that children of eleven or under twelve shall be permitted to engage in seasonable occupation, under care, and I hope that Lord Banbury will agree to this modification. I therefore have to move that this House do not insist on the Amendment, and agree to the Amendment proposed by the Commons in lieu thereof. The words which the Commons have inserted are "in light agricultural or horticultural work."

Moved, That this House doth not insist upon the said Amendment, and agrees with the Amendment made by the Commons in lieu thereof.— (Viscount Snowden.)


I agree to that.