HL Deb 07 July 1932 vol 85 cc709-10

Page 39, line 13, at end insert the following new clause:

Power of local authority to make by-laws with respect to employment of juvenile persons.

(".—(1) Subject to the provisions of this section, a local authority may make by-laws with respect to the employment of persons under the age of eighteen years, but not being children.

(2) By-laws so made may distinguish between persons of different ages and sexes, and different localities, trade, occupations and circumstances, and may contain provisions for prescribing—

  1. (i) the number of hours in each day or in each week for which and the times of day at which they may be employed;
  2. (ii) the intervals to be allowed to them for meals and rest;
  3. (iii) the holidays or half-holidays to be allowed to them;
  4. (iv) any other conditions to be observed in relation to their employment.

(3) Nothing in this section shall empower a local authority to make by-laws with respect to—

  1. (a) employment in or about the delivery, collection, or transport of goods except in the capacity of van boy, errand boy or messenger;
  2. (b) employment in or in connection with factories, workshops, mines, quarries, shops, or offices, not being employment in any capacity as aforesaid;
  3. (c) employment in the building or engineering trades, not being employment in any such capacity as aforesaid;
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  5. (d) employment in agriculture;
  6. (e) employment in domestic service except as non-resident daily servant;
  7. (f) employment in any ship, as defined in Section four of the Employment of Women, Young Persons and Children Act, 1920;
provided that this section shall not come into operation until a Resolution has been passed by both Houses of Parliament.")

The Commons propose to amend the above new clause as follows:

line 33, by leaving out from, ("ship,") to the end of paragraph, and inserting ("or boat registered in the United Kingdom, as a British ship, or in any British fishing boat entered in the fishing boot register") instead thereof;

line 36, by leaving out from, the beginning to the end of the Amendment, and inserting: ("(4) An order of the Secretary of State appointing a date for this section to come into operation shall be laid in draft before both Houses of Parliament and the Secretary of State shall not make the order until the draft has been approved by Resolutions passed in the same Session of Parliament by both Houses of Parliament.")


My Lords, these are Amendments made by the Commons to the clause that was inserted by Lord Astor. One Amendment is in regard to a ship. The Board of Trade, with their practical experience, think that it is not desirable that the word "ship" should be kept in. With regard to the Commons other Amendment, your Lordships will remember that the proviso that was attached to Lord Astor's clause said that the order should not come into operation until it had been approved by both Houses of Parliament. The Amendment in regard to that proviso which the House of Commons has inserted is that it shall be on the order of the Secretary of State, but that the Secretary of State shall not make the order until the draft has been approved by Resolutions passed by both Houses of Parliament. The only effect of the change is that it will be left to the Secretary of State to prepare the draft. I think that that is an Amendment with which your Lordships will agree. I move that this House doth agree with the Commons in the said Amendments.

Moved, That this House doth agree with the Amendments made by the Commons.—(Viscount Snowden.)