HL Deb 29 May 1930 vol 77 c1192

Clause 10, page 11, line 16, after ("expenses") insert ("reasonably")

Clause 10, page 11, line 17, leave out ("as certified by the City Chamberlain")

Clause 10, page 11, line 18, at the beginning insert ("A certificate by the City Chamberlain that any expenses have been incurred under this Act by the Common Council shall be conclusive evidence that those expenses have been so incurred, and")

Clause 10, page 11, line 23, after the second ("any") insert ("such")

Clause 10, page 11, line 25, after ("buildings") insert ("or have not been reasonably incurred")


My Lords, this is a series of Amendments to Clause 10 which have been agreed upon between the London County Council and the City Corporation. They are all drafting Amendments to Which there are no objections.

Moved, That this House doth agree with the Commons in the said Amendments.—(Earl Russell).

On Question, Motion agreed to.