HL Deb 25 July 1930 vol 78 cc842-3

Page 22, line 39, leave out ("on trailer") and leave out ("or drawn")

Page 22, line 40, leave out from ("bridge") to end of line and insert ("in the case of which a notice has been so placed as aforesaid")

Page 22, line 42, leave out ("or draws") Page 23, line 1, leave out ("or drawn")

Page 22, line 5, after ("section") insert ("weight means weight laden, and")

Page 22, line 12, leave out ("not to be taken") and insert ("he taken not")

Page 22, line 22, leave out ("such") and insert ("vehicle of any such class as aforesaid or a tramcar or trolley")

Page 22, line 23, at end insert ("without prejudice, however, to any civil liability of that person in the case of damage being caused to the bridge")

Page 22, line 28, leave out from ("bear") to the first ("a") in line 29.

Page 22, line 92, after ("order") insert ("and recover summarily as a civil debt from the authority by whom the notice was placed as aforesaid the expenses incurred by him in so doing")

Page 24, line 23, leave out ("by him"),

Clause 26, page 24, line 32, leave out ("propulsion") and insert ("the supply of power for the propu7sion of the vehicle")

Clause 27, page 24, line 39, leave out the second ("motor")

Page 25, line 2, leave out ("or a trailer") line 7, leave out ("or trailer")

line 27, after ("maintaining") insert ("weighbridges or other")

Page 25, line 28, leave out ("motor") leave out ("and trailers")

Page 25, line 30, after ("such") insert ("weighbridge or other")

Page 25, line 38, after ("such") insert ("weighbridge or other")

Clause 28, page 26, line 17, after the first ("the") insert ("reasonable")

Clause 28, page 26, line 27, after ("may") insert ("arrest")

Clause 28, page 26, line 28, leave out ("take into custody")

Clause 28, page 26, line 29, after ("committed") insert ("or of attempting to commit")


My Lords, these Amendments are consequential, but I may call attention to the fact that the expression "proportion" in line 32, page 24, should be "propulsion." I beg to move that we agree with these Amendments.

Moved, That this House doth agree with the Commons in the said Amendments.—(Lord Ponsonby of Shulbrede.)

On Question, Motion agreed to.