HL Deb 15 May 1912 vol 11 cc1068-9

My Lords, I wish to ask when the Report of the Congested Districts Board of Scotland for the year to March 31, 1912, and the Report of the Crofters Commission for the year 1911 will be laid upon the Table.


In answer to the noble Earl's Question I have to say that the Reports to which he refers are in a forward state of preparation and will be laid on the Table as soon as practicable, but I am not in a position to name the exact date. In view of the fact that the Crofters Commission came to an end on March 31, 1912, the Report of the Commission will cover the period down to that date—that is to say, a period of fifteen months instead of twelve months.


Last year the Report of the Congested Districts Board of Scotland Was received in the Scottish Office, according to the date upon it, on April 22, but it was not laid on the Table of your Lordships' House until August 22, when this House was on the point of adjourning. I think any one who read the Report could understand that it was not a Report of which any Department would be very proud. I ask this Question to-day in the hope that the Scottish Office will not repeat the bad precedent of last year, but will present the Report in the month of June at the latest.


The Scottish Office are fully aware of the position taken up by the noble Earl, and I can assure him that they will do everything to provide time for the criticism and discussion of this Report.