HL Deb 21 July 1908 vol 192 cc1636-7

My Lords, I ask leave to move the suspension of the Sessional Order in this case. Your Lordships will readily understand that in connection with provisional orders dealing with marriages considerable archœological inquiries have to be undertaken and examinations made of various registries, all of which take time. I have the details with regard to these various churches with me if your Lordships care to hear them. I understand that the noble Earl the Chairman of Committees agrees to the Sessional Order being suspended in this case.

Moved, "That the Order made on the 25th day of March last, 'That no Provisional Order Confirmation Bill brought from the House of Commons shall be read a second time after the 18th day of June next,' be dispensed with, and that the Bill be now read 2a."—(Earl Beauchamp.)

On Question, Motion agreed to, and Bill read 2a accordingly and committed.

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