HL Deb 06 May 1907 vol 173 c1297

Ordered, that, in the event of abatement by death or defect through bankruptcy, an appeal shall not stand dismissed for default under Standing Orders Nos. III., IV., V., provided that notice of such abatement or defect be given by a letter from the Appellant's Agent BY LETTER addressed to the Clerk of the Parliaments and lodged in the Judicial Office prior to the expiration of the period limited by the Standing Order under which the appeal would otherwise have stood dismissed.

Ordered, that all appeals marked on the Cause List of the House as abated or defective shall stand dismissed unless within three months from the date of the notice to the Clerk of the Parliaments of abatement or defect, if the House be then sitting, or, if not, then not later than the third sitting day of the next ensuing sittings of the House, a petition shall be presented to the House for reviving the appeal or for rendering the same effective.

Ordered, that when an appeal has abated or became defective after the printed cases have been lodged, and it is subsequently revived or rendered effective, WHERE ANY PARTY OR PARTIES TO AN APPEAL SHALL DIE PENDING THE SAME, SUBSEQUENTLY TO THE PRINTED CASES HAVING BEEN LODGED, AND THE APPEAL SHALL BE REVIVED AGAINST HIS OR HER REPRESENTATIVE OR REPRESENTATIVES AS THE PERSON OR PERSONS STANDING IN THE PLACE OF THE PERSON OR PERSONS SO DYING AS AFORESAID, a Supplemental Case shall be lodged by the Appellant PARTY OR PARTIES SO REVIVING THE SAME RESPECTIVELY, STATING setting forth the Order or Orders made by the House in SUCH CASE reviving the appeal or rendering the same effective.

The like rule shall be observed by the Appellant and Respondent respectively, where any person or persons shall, by leave of the House, upon petition or otherwise, be added as a party or parties to the said appeal after the printed cases in such appeal shall have been lodged.