HL Deb 06 May 1907 vol 173 cc1296-7

  1. 1. Ordered, that IN ENGLISH APPEALS the printed CASES Case and the Appendix there to be in the Parliament Office within six weeks from the date of the presentation of the appeal to the House; IN SCOTCH AND IRISH APPEALS, WITHIN EIGHT WEEKS; and the appeal be set down for hearing on the first sitting day thereafter AFTER THE EXPIRATION OF THOSE RESPECTIVE PERIODS (or as soon before, at the option of either party, as all the printed Cases and the Appendix shall have been lodged); on default by the Appellant, the Appeal to stand dismissed.
  2. 2. Ordered, that in all appeals from Scotland the Appellant alone, in his printed Case or in the Appendix thereto. shall lay before this House a printed copy of the record as authenticated by the Lord Ordinary; together with a supplement containing an account, without argument or OF statement of other facts of the further steps which have been taken in the case since the record was completed, and containing also copies of the interlocutors or parts of interlocutors complained of; and each party shall, in his Case, THEIR CASES lay before the House a copy of the Case presented by him THEM RESPECTIVELY to the Court of Session, if any such Case was presented there, with a short summary of any additional reasons upon which he means to insist; and if there shall have been no case presented to the Court of Session, then each party shall set forth in his Case the reasons upon which he founds his argument, as shortly and succinctly as possible.
  3. 3. Ordered, that the printed case ALL PRINTED CASES be signed by one or more counsel, who shall have attended as counsel in the Court below, or shall purpose attending as counsel at the hearing in this House.