HL Deb 17 April 1907 vol 172 cc923-4

rose to move that there be laid before this House a complete list, with dates of issue, of the Reports of the Historical Manuscripts Commission and of the appendices thereto; together with an alphabetical index of the collections examined and reported on, giving a reference to the Report and appendix wherein the result of the examination may be found.

The noble Lord said

My Lords, the Motion which stands in my name will, I believe, be accepted by the noble Earl who represents the Home Office. It requires no explanation, because it is a Motion which has to be made from time to time to secure a continuance of this index. I have been in communication with the representatives of the Home Office, and I understand they are willing that the House should pass this Motion. In moving it I venture to make two suggestions which I hope the noble Earl will be able to accept—namely, that some of the volumes which have been already printed, but are out of print, should be incorporated with the Return now asked for, and that the Return when printed should be on quarto paper, the same size paper as the volumes of which it is the index.

Moved, That an humble address be presented to His Majesty for a complete list, with dates of issue, of the Reports of the Historical Manuscripts Commission and of the appendices thereto; together with an alphabetical index of the collections examined and reported on, giving a reference to the Report and appendix wherein the result of the examination may be found.—(Lord Balfour of Burleigh.)


My Lords, His Majesty's Government are quite ready to give the Return asked for by the noble Lord. With regard to the special points to which he has referred, there are, I know, some Members of the Commission who are in favour of what he has suggested, and I have very little doubt that, with their support, the Commission will give effect to his request.

On Question, Motion agreed to, and ordered accordingly.