HL Deb 12 November 1906 vol 164 c921

THE LORD ARCHBISHOP OF CANTERBURY, who had given notice, "To ask the Secretary of State for the Colonies whether he is in a position to furnish any information respecting the result of investigations as to the prevalence of vice in the compounds occupied by Chinese coolies in the Transvaal," said: My Lords, I placed this Question on the Paper because the matter seemed to me to be of extreme urgency, and I wished to put it at the earliest possible date, but I have received a courteous request, of which I perfectly understand the grounds, from His Majesty's Government, that the Question should be postponed owing to the importance of proceeding with the Education Bill. I, therefore, do not propose to ask the Question now, but to postpone it to the earliest possible date on which I can take it without interfering with the debate on the Education Bill.


I should like to be allowed to tender my thanks to the most rev. Primate for having withdrawn his Question at the present moment.