HL Deb 06 March 1906 vol 153 cc220-1

House in Committee (according to Order).


My Lords, I had intended suggesting certain Amendments, which, as I said on the Second Reading, would not be of an important character. But I think it very desirable that this House should proceed as rapidly as possible, so that the Bill may have a better chance of passing into law, and I will refrain from moving Amendments, at all events at this stage. I do not think the Amendments which I shall propose will at all alarm the noble and learned Lord, or meet with opposition from him.

Bill reported, without Amendment, to the House.


The same observations apply to this Bill, which has passed through the Standing Committee before. I think your Lordships will agree that it would only give a certain number of noble Lords the inconvenience of coming here to do nothing if it went to the Standing Committee. I therefore move that that stage be negatived.

Moved, "That the Standing Committee be negatived."—(The Earl of Halsbury.)

On Question, Motion agreed to. Bill to be read 3a on Thursday next.