HL Deb 17 July 1905 vol 149 cc803-4

My Lords, I desire to make an application to my noble friend the Chairman of Committees. I observe that to-morrow there is down for Second Reading the Bill promoted by the London County Council for bringing the tramways across the bridges and along the Embankment. This has always been a highly contentious question. There have been frequent discussions in both Houses of Parliament with regard to this particular Bill, and I would ask my noble friend whether he could see his way to postpone the Second Reading from to-morrow until, say, Thursday next. I understand there is a prospect of the rejection of the measure being proposed, and as it has only just come up to your Lordships' House and we have not really had an opportunity of considering it, I hope the noble Earl will agree to its postponement.


My Lords. I hope my noble friend will not press his desire tha this Bill should be put off. This Bill has been before Parliament for a considerable time, and has been in y ur Lordships' House for five or six days; and, as noble Lords are aware, at this period of the session, when Bills of a contentious character come up from the other House, it is not always possible to secure the best material for Committees of your Lordships' House. I have arranged for the constitution of the Committee which is to consider this Bill, for I hope your Lordships will see your way to send it to a Select Committee, and unless that Committee gets to work at the earliest possible date, I fear it will be impossible for the noble Lords who have consented to serve upon it to take their places on the Committee. I therefore sincerely hope my noble friend will not press his desire that the Bill should be postponed. It is not in the public interest that the matter should be delayed any longer than is necessary.