HL Deb 10 March 1904 vol 131 cc701-2

Report from, That the Standing Orders not complied with in respect of the is Marylebone Chapels (Saint James, Westmoreland Street) Bill—(Petition for Bill) ought to be dispensed with, and leave given to introduce the Bill. Read, and e agreed to.

Huddersfield Corporation Act, 1902 (Amendment) Bill [H.L.]. A witness ordered to attend the Select Committee.

St. Bartholomew's Hospital Bill [H.L.]. The Lord BALFOUR informed the House that the opposition to the Bill was with drawn.

Appleby Corporation Gas Bill [H.L.]. Reported, with Amendments.

Nuneaton and Chilvers Coton Urban District Council Bill [H.L.]. Report from the Select Committee, That the Committee had not proceeded with the consideration To of the Bill, the opposition there to having been withdrawn: read, and ordered to lie on the Table. The orders made on the 19th of February and Thursday last, discharged, and Bill committed.

Harlow and Sawbridgeworth Gas Bill [H. L.]. Report from the Select Committee, That the Committee had not proceeded with the consideration of the Bill, the opposition there to having been withdrawn; read, and ordered to lie on the Table. The orders made on the 19th of February and Thursday last, discharged, and Bill committed for Tuesday next.

Barnard Castle Gas Bill [H.L.]. Report from the Select Committee, That the Committee had not proceeded with the consideration of the Bill, no parties having appeared in opposition thereto; read, and ordered to lie on the Table. The orders made on the 19th and the 26th of February last, discharged, and Bill committed.

New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company Bill [H.L.]. Committee to meet on Tuesday next.

Southend Water Bill. Read 2a and committed.