HL Deb 30 March 1903 vol 120 cc540-1

My Lords, I ask leave to introduce a Bill to authorise the London County Council to provide receiving houses for the reception of persons mentally affected or alleged to be of unsound mind, and to authorise the detention of such persons in such houses; and for other purposes connected therewith. The Bill was brought forward by my noble friend Lord Monkswell some time ago, and the noble Earl the Chairman of Committees said he could not sanction it proceeding as a private Bill. I understand that the noble Lord approves of the provisions which were explained by Lord Monkswell at the time, and I therefore beg to introduce the Bill and move that it be read a first time.

Moved, "That the Bill be now read 1a"—(Earl Currington.)


I think it right to remind the noble Earl that he is not in order in making a speech on the First Reading. If it was his intention to make any observations at this stage he should have given notice, so that persons who take a different view might be able to be present and take part in the discussion. The irregularity of the noble Lord is not in moving the First Reading of the Bill without notice, but in making a speech in doing so.


I hope the noble and learned Lord will excuse the irregularity, of which I was not aware.

On Question, agreed to; Bill read 1a; and to be printed.