§ THE MARQUESS OF RIPON, who had given notice "To call attention to the 976 Papers relating to the Political Condition of Malta recently laid before the House," said: My Lords, as I understand it would be very convenient to the noble Lord, the Secretary for Scotland, to proceed as rapidly as possible with the Motor-Cars Bill, and as I believe it would be in accordance with the wishes of the House that I should not interpose between your Lordships and the Committee on that Bill, I will not proceed with my Question at the present time.
§ THE SECRETARY FOR SCOTLAND (Lord BALFOUR of BURLEIGH)I should like to express my thanks to the noble Marquess for the course he has taken. I nearly asked him to postpone his Question but I did not like to do so in case it might place him in any difficulty; but with the courtesy which is usual between us, the noble Marquess has taken this course entirely on his own initiative.