HL Deb 17 July 1902 vol 111 cc468-9

My Lords, I have received the following letter from Field-Marshal Earl Roberts, K.G., Commander-in-Chief of His Majesty's Forces, in return to the thanks of this House, and to the Resolutions of June 5th last, communicated to him in obedience to the order of this House, viz.:—

"War Office, July 10th, 1902.

"My Lord,—I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your letter forwarding to me Resolutions passed by the House of Lords thanking His Majesty's forces by land and sea for their gallant and distinguished services during the late war in South Africa.

"I shall esteem it a great privilege to convey to the forces I have the honour to command this expression by the House of Lords of its appreciation of the work they have accomplished in South Africa, which I am confident they will highly value. The message of sympathy with relatives of the fallen contained in the Resolution will, I am sure, be gratefully received by them, not only as a mark of the kind feeling which prompted it, but as a recognition of the services rendered to their country by those whom they have lost.

"I have the honour to be, my Lord, your Lordship's most humble, obedient servant,

Roberts, F.M.

The letter was ordered to be entered on the Journals.