HL Deb 17 July 1902 vol 111 c469

Order of the day for the Second Reading read.


My Lords, I do not think that many words are necessary to commend this Bill to the favourable consideration of the House, its object is to enable His Majesty's Postmaster-General to acquire two sites in the County of London, for the purpose of erecting post-offices thereon. The Bill is not an innovation, but is similar in character to those measures which have been introduced in previous years by my predecessors. It was referred to a Select Committee of the House of Commons, and passed through that House with no alteration beyond the insertion of a Clause providing that nothing in the Act should affect any rights or jurisdiction of the London County Council or any Metropolitan Borough in relation to any sewers, drains, or water-courses. If the Bill is read a second time today it will be referred to a Committee over which the noble Earl the Chairman of Committees presides, and will then come before a Committee of the whole House. There are certain details in regard to the sites proposed to be taken with which I do not think I need weary your Lordships, but if any question is asked I shall be glad to give an answer.

Bill read 2a (according to order), and committed.