HC Deb 20 January 2004 vol 416 c1211
12. Mr. Peter Luff (Mid-Worcestershire)(Con)

If he will make a statement on his policy towards community hospitals and their relationship with acute hospital trusts. [148795]

The Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Health (Dr. Stephen Ladyman)

We want to see a new lease of life for community hospitals. Our guidance on service change, "Keeping the NHS Local", was published in February last year. It emphasised the important role community hospitals can play in a network of care across the whole health and social care system.

Mr. Luff

Will the Minister join me in congratulating my hon. Friend the Member for West Worcestershire (Sir Michael Spicer) on his successful campaign to create a new community hospital at Pershore, financed by Wychavon district council and built in partnership with the South Worcestershire primary care trust? Will the hon. Gentleman also reassure me that when the time comes, as it must, to redevelop and renew Evesham community hospital, its crucial role in support of the county's acute hospital will be fully recognised, and there will be no reduction in services when that redevelopment takes place?

Dr. Ladyman

The development of community hospitals has to be a matter for local discussion, and I am not prepared to intervene in what is still clearly a local issue. I entirely agree with the hon. Gentleman that the community hospitals in his area have an important role to play. It is important that the trust develops that role, but does so in conjunction with, and in discussion with, local people.

Mr. Michael Foster (Worcester)(Lab)

The community hospitals in south Worcestershire predominantly serve the rural areas to the east, south and west of the city of Worcester. As a result, my constituents in the city, as well as people north of the area in Droitwich in the constituency of Mid-Worcestershire, do not get the benefits that can be provided by community hospitals. Will my hon. Friend look favourably on any plans that may come his way to provide community hospitals in areas that cover patients in my constituency and in the north of south Worcestershire?

Dr. Ladyman

My hon. Friend identifies exactly why those have to be local decisions and plans must be developed locally. We have to balance the needs of different parts of any particular area to ensure that everyone is getting the services that they require. Of course I will look favourably on any plans that are put to me, but only once they have been developed by the local population to meet local needs.

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