HC Deb 15 January 2004 vol 416 cc951-3
8. Mr. Harry Barnes (North-East Derbyshire) (Lab)

What assessment he has made of the impact of education maintenance grants on post-16 participation. [147873]

The Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Education and Skills (Mr. Ivan Lewis)

In the evaluated pilots, the number of 16-year-olds participating in full-time education increased by 5.9 percentage points. That represents a significant increase, and reinforces the importance of extending education maintenance allowances to 16-year-olds in all parts of England from this September.

Mr. Barnes

I welcome that reply—and I do not normally say that.

I recognise that the scheme must be phased in, with pilot schemes followed by participation by 16-year-olds. Some students in the second year of their national vocational qualifications courses are not eligible, but learner support funds provide one-off grants for the purchase of books and equipment. Could provision be extended so that people do not miss out entirely during their later years of study?

Mr. Lewis

One of the proposals in the skills strategy that we launched in the summer is to allow young people in full-time education beyond the age of 19 access to maintenance grants. That will give them a new opportunity. However, we will also try to ensure that all learner support funds are used to support young people, raise their aspirations and enable them to stay in education—especially those from communities in which that is not currently the norm.

Mr. Graham Brady (Altrincham and Sale, West) (Con)

Given that those who stay in education after the age of 16 earn more in later life than those who do not, would it not be consistent with the Government's other policies for them to charge fees for their education rather than giving them money?

Mr. Lewis

No, it most certainly would not. Let us consider the logical conclusion of the Conservatives' higher education policy. They would tell 16-year-olds "Take an education maintenance allowance, but you cannot have a university place." The Conservatives would reduce the number of places significantly, and which young people would lose out? Those who were eligible for the allowances.

Nothing changes in terms of the dividing line between the Government and the Conservatives. We want everyone to have equality of opportunity.

Dr. Phyllis Starkey (Milton Keynes, South-West) (Lab)

I welcome the rolling out of maintenance allowances across the country to regions such as mine, but will the Minister ensure that his AimHigher programme continues to be funded? I have seen it operating in schools in my constituency, encouraging young people in years 9 and 10 who would otherwise not even have thought of going to university to begin planning their school careers with that in mind.

Mr. Lewis

I assure my hon. Friend that we will continue that programme, which has been very successful in persuading young people that higher education is a serious option when it has not been on their radar screens hitherto. The combination of our investment in Sure Start, our school standards agenda, the work of the Connexions service and our proposed reforms of education for 14 to 19-year-olds is helping young people to fulfil their potential in a way that has not been possible before.

Mr. Mark Simmonds (Boston and Skegness) (Con)

With the maintenance allowance, the Government have established the principle of using taxpayers' money to encourage students to go on learning, thus gaining wider career opportunities and greater earning potential. Can the Minister explain how that policy is consistent with that of variable tuition fees, which is predicated on substantial student debt, with students having to repay money because of the possibility of those wider career opportunities and greater earning potential?

Mr. Lewis

The hon. Gentleman has clearly taken advantage of the literacy programme, but not of the numeracy programme. As a consequence of the proposals presented by my right hon. Friend the Secretary of State last week, the reintroduction of a maintenance grant to support young people while they are undertaking higher education is entirely consistent with education maintenance allowances. If the Higher Education Bill were voted down, what the Conservatives would be voting for would be no maintenance grants and the continuation of up-front fees.

Valerie Davey (Bristol, West) (Lab)

I welcome the maintenance allowances that reached Bristol in the roll-out programme this September. Does the Minister agree that such direct funding on an income-related basis encourages more young people from low-income families to consider going to university?

Mr. Lewis

I agree entirely. The important thing about increasing access to university is enabling far more young people to gain the necessary qualifications by the age of 18 and getting them to believe that university is a serious option. That is how we will widen participation and genuinely ensure that higher education is available to all who want and are able to pursue it in our country.