HC Deb 18 September 2003 vol 410 cc1066-7
16. Mr. Robert Walter (North Dorset)

What plans she has to introduce legislation to provide for equality of membership rights in private members' clubs. [130833]

The Deputy Minister for Women and Equality (Jacqui Smith)

It is unacceptable for women to be treated as second-class citizens in private clubs, contrary to the Government's principles of opportunity for all, and I know in this context at least, the hon. Gentleman's view of those principles. We have supported private Members' legislation in this area in the past, and we are keeping the situation of private clubs and sex discrimination under review.

Mr. Walter

I think that many Members will be disappointed by that answer, as I am not sure that the Government have supported private Members' legislation. On three occasions, I have introduced legislation in the House, and the hon. Member for Gloucester (Mr. Dhanda) introduced a Bill in this Session that made no progress because of lack of Government support. In the other place, legislation completed all its stages and arrived in this House in the last Session, despite the fact that it had the full support of the Government Front Bench in the other place. Can the Minister give us a clue as to whether the Queen's Speech contains legislation on the subject?

Jacqui Smith

The hon. Gentleman knows that, much as I respect his position on this issue, I will not give him any clues about what is contained in the Queen's Speech. Much as I share his concerns about this particular discrimination, the timing of the introduction of legislation is not always the responsibility of individual Ministers. I assure him that we have supported private Members' legislation and will keep this area under review. Subject to parliamentary time in future, there may well be opportunities for us to take action.