§ 11.5 pm
§ Mr. Deputy Speaker (Sir Alan Haselhurst)Under the orders of the House of 15 September, any message from the Lords relating to the Local Government Bill may be considered forthwith without any Question put. I have to inform the House that a message has been received as follows: the Lords do not insist on certain of their amendments to the Local Government Bill to which the Commons have disagreed; they agree to the amendments proposed by the Commons to another Lords amendment; and they agree to the Commons consequential amendments to the Bill. They do not insist on the remaining Lords amendment to which the Commons have disagreed, but do propose an amendment in lieu thereof. Copies of the Lords amendment in lieu—amendment No. 3B—are in the Vote Office. I should inform the House that the amendment involves questions of privilege.
- Clause 11 cc1021-40
- USE OF CAPITAL RECEIPTS 9,642 words, 1 division