HC Deb 16 October 2003 vol 411 cc255-6
12. Rob Marris (Wolverhampton, South—West)

If he will make a statement on planned levels of central Government capital investment in Wolverhampton, South-West in 2003–04. [132067]

The Chief Secretary to the Treasury (Mr. Paul Boateng)

Wolverhampton will benefit from its share of total capital spending by central Government of some £25.2 billion in 2003–04. Investment decisions made by central Departments and regional agencies will be made in accordance with local priorities and the needs of the people of Wolverhampton.

Rob Marris

I am grateful to my right hon. Friend for that answer and for the capital investment that is coming into my constituency to address 18 years of under-investment in capital projects in the 1980s and 1990s. An example of that under-investment is a school about a mile from where I live, which has a flat roof. So much water was standing on that roof that ducks were living on it. Will my right hon. Friend give an indication of what the effect on constituencies such as mine would be if the Conservatives' policy of 20 per cent. cuts were to be put into effect?

Mr. Speaker

Order. That is not the responsibility of the Minister.