HC Deb 26 March 2003 vol 402 cc307-11

  1. 1. Paragraphs 4 and 5 of the order shall be omitted.
  2. 2. Proceedings on consideration and Third Reading shall be concluded in two days.
  3. 3. Proceedings on consideration shall be taken on each of those days as shown in the first column of the following Table and shall be taken in the order so shown.
  4. 4. Proceedings on the first day shall be brought to a conclusion six and a half hours after the commencement of proceedings on that day or at the conclusion of the proceedings set down for that day, whichever is the earlier.
  5. 5. The proceedings shown in the first column of the table shall (so far as not previously concluded) be brought to a conclusion at the time specified in the second column of the Table.
Proceedings Time for conclusion of proceedings
First day
New Clauses relating to district policing partnerships, New Schedules relating to district policing partnerships and amendments relating to Clauses 13 to 15 Six and a half hours after the commencement of the proceedings
Second day
Amendments relating to Clauses 23, 22, 18, 9, 10, 21, 11, 12, New Clauses relating to appointments to the Police Service of Northern Ireland, amendments relating to Clause 19, New Clauses relating to members of the Police Service of Northern Ireland engaged on other police service, amendments relating to Clauses 16, 20 and 24, amendments relating to Schedule 1, amendments relating to Clauses 4, 25 and 26, amendments relating to Schedule 2, amendments relating to Clauses 27 to 36 and 1, New Clauses relating to codes of practice, amendments relating to Clauses 2, 17, 3, 5 to 8, 37 to 39, amendments relating to 6.00 p.m.

Schedule 3, amendments relating to Clauses 40 and 41, remaining New Clauses, remaining New Schedules and remaining proceedings on consideration

6. Proceedings on Third Reading shall (so far as not previously concluded) be brought to a conclusion at 7.00 p.m. on the second of those da ys.—[Gillian Merron.]

The House divided: Ayes 277, Noes 152.

Division No. 137] [1:26 pm
Adams, Irene (Paisley N) Davidson, Ian
Ainger, Nick Davies, rh Denzil (Llanelli)
Anderson, rh Donald (Swansea E) Davies, Geraint (Croydon C)
Anderson, Janet (Rossendale & Darwen) Davis, rh Terry (B'ham Hodge H)
Dawson, Hilton
Armstrong, rh Ms Hilary Dean, Mrs Janet
Atherton, Ms Candy Dhanda, Parmjit
Atkins, Charlotte Dismore, Andrew
Bailey, Adrian Donohoe, Brian H.
Baird, Vera Doran, Frank
Barnes, Harry Dowd, Jim (Lewisham W)
Beckett, rh Margaret Drew, David (Stroud)
Berry, Roger Drown, Ms Julia
Blackman, Liz Eagle, Maria (L'pool Garston)
Blizzard, Bob Edwards, Huw
Borrow, David Efford, Clive
Bradley, rh Keith (Withington) Ellman, Mrs Louise
Bradley, Peter (The Wrekin) Ennis, Jeff (Barnsley E)
Bradshaw, Ben Etherington, Bill
Brennan, Kevin Farrelly, Paul
Brown, rh Nicholas (Newcastle E Wallsend) Field, rh Frank (Birkenhead)
Fitzpatrick, Jim
Bryant, Chris Flint, Caroline
Buck, Ms Karen Follett, Barbara
Burden, Richard Foster, Michael (Worcester)
Burgon, Colin Francis, Dr. Hywel
Burnham, Andy Gapes, Mike (Ilford S)
Byers, rh Stephen Gardiner, Barry
Caborn, rh Richard Gibson, Dr. Ian
Cairns, David Gilroy, Linda
Campbell, Alan (Tynemouth) Godsiff, Roger
Campbell, Mrs Anne (C'bridge) Goggins, Paul
Campbell, Ronnie (Blyth V) Griffiths, Jane (Reading E)
Caplin, Ivor Griffiths, Nigel (Edinburgh S)
Casale, Roger Griffiths, Win (Bridgend)
Caton, Martin Hall, Mike (Weaver Vale)
Cawsey, Ian (Brigg) Hall, Patrick (Bedford)
Challen, Colin Hamilton, David (Midlothian)
Chapman, Ben (Wirral S) Hanson, David
Chaytor, David Harris, Tom (Glasgow Cathcart)
Clapham, Michael Havard, Dai (Merthyr Tydfil & Rhymney)
Clark, Mrs Helen (Peterborough)
Clark, Dr. Lynda (Edinburgh Pentlands) Healey, John
Henderson, Ivan (Harwich)
Clark, Paul (Gillingham) Hepburn, Stephen
Clarke, rh Tom (Coatbridge & Chryston) Heppell, John
Hewitt, rh Ms Patricia
Clarke, Tony (Northampton S) Heyes, David
Clwyd, Ann (Cynon V) Hill, Keith (Streatham)
Coaker, Vernon Hinchliffe, David
Coleman, Iain Hodge, Margaret
Connarty, Michael Hope, Phil (Corby)
Cook, Frank (Stockton N) Hopkins, Kelvin
Cooper, Yvette Hughes, Beverley (Stretford & Urmston)
Corston, Jean
Cranston, Ross Hughes, Kevin (Doncaster N)
Cryer, Ann (Keighley) Humble, Mrs Joan
Cunningham, Jim (Coventry S) Hurst, Alan (Braintree)
Cunningham, Tony (Workington) Hutton, rh John
Curtis-Thomas, Mrs Claire Iddon, Dr. Brian
Dalyell, Tam Illsley, Eric
Davey, Valerie (Bristol W) Irranca-Davies, Huw
David, Wayne Jackson, Helen (Hillsborough)
Jamieson, David O'Hara, Edward
Jenkins, Brian Olner, Bill
Jones, Helen (Warrington N) Organ, Diana
Jones, Jon Owen (Cardiff C) Osborne, Sandra (Ayr)
Jones, Kevan (N Durham) Owen, Albert
Jones, Lynne (Selly Oak) Palmer, Dr. Nick
Jones, Martyn (Clwyd S) Perham, Linda
Joyce, Eric (Falkirk W) Picking, Anne
Kaufman, rh Gerald Pickthall, Colin
Keen, Ann (Brentford) Pike, Peter (Burnley)
Kemp, Fraser Pollard, Kerry
Kennedy, Jane (Wavertree) Pond, Chris (Gravesham)
Kidney, David Pope, Greg (Hyndburn)
Kilfoyle, Peter Pound, Stephen
King, Andy (Rugby) Prentice, Ms Bridget (Lewisham E)
King, Ms Oona (Bethnal Green & Bow)
Prentice, Gordon (Pendle)
Knight, Jim (S Dorset) Prescott, rh John
Kumar, Dr. Ashok Prosser, Gwyn
Ladyman, Dr. Stephen Purchase, Ken
Lammy, David Purnell, James
Lazarowicz, Mark Quinn, Lawrie
Lepper, David Raynsford, rh Nick
Leslie, Christopher Reed, Andy (Loughborough)
Levitt, Tom (High Peak) Reid, rh Dr. John (Hamilton N & Bellshill)
Lewis, Ivan (Bury S)
Linton, Martin Robertson, John (Glasgow Anniesland)
Lloyd, Tony (Manchester C)
Lucas, Ian (Wrexham) Roche, Mrs Barbara
Luke, Iain (Dundee E) Rooney, Terry
Lyons, John (Strathkelvin) Ross, Ernie (Dundee W)
McAvoy, Thomas Ruane, Chris
McCabe, Stephen Ruddock, Joan
McCafferty, Chris Salter, Martin
McCartney, rh Ian Sarwar, Mohammad
McDonagh, Siobhain Savidge, Malcolm
MacDonald, Calum Sawford, Phil
MacDougall, John Sedgemore, Brian
McIsaac, Shona Shaw, Jonathan
McKechin, Ann Sheerman, Barry
McKenna, Rosemary Sheridan, Jim
Mackinlay, Andrew Shipley, Ms Debra
McNulty, Tony Simpson, Alan (Nottingham S)
McWalter, Tony Singh, Marsha
Mahmood, Khalid Smith, Geraldine (Morecambe & Lunesdale)
Mahon, Mrs Alice
Mallaber, Judy Smith, Jacqui (Redditch)
Mallon, Seamus Smith, Llew (Blaenau Gwent)
Mendelson, rh Peter Soley, Clive
Mann, John (Bassetlaw) Southworth, Helen
Marris, Rob (Wolverh'ton SW) Starkey, Dr. Phyllis
Marsden, Gordon (Blackpool S) Steinberg, Gerry
Marshall, David (Glasgow Shettleston) Stevenson, George
Stewart, David (Inverness E & Lochaber)
Marshall, Jim (Leicester S)
Marshall-Andrews, Robert Stinchcombe, Paul
Martlew, Eric Stuart, Ms Gisela
Merron, Gillian Tami, Mark (Alyn)
Michael, rh Alun Taylor, David (NW Leics)
Miliband, David Thomas, Gareth (Clwyd W)
Miller, Andrew Thomas, Gareth (Harrow W)
Mitchell, Austin (Gt Grimsby) Tipping, Paddy
Moffatt, Laura Touhig Don (Islwyn)
Moonie, Dr. Lewis Trickett, Jon
Morgan, Julie Truswell, Paul
Morris, rh Estelle Turner, Dennis (Wolverh'ton SE)
Mountford, Kali Turner, Neil (Wigan)
Mudie, George Twigg, Derek (Halton)
Mullin, Chris Tynan, Bill (Hamilton S)
Munn, Ms Meg Vis, Dr. Rudi
Murphy, Jim (Eastwood) Walley, Ms Joan
Murphy, rh Paul (Torfaen) Ward, Claire
Naysmith, Dr. Doug Wareing, Robert N.
Norris, Dan (Wansdyke) Watson, Tom (W Bromwich E)
O'Brien, Bill (Normanton) Watts, David
O'Brien, Mike (N Warks) White, Brian
Whitehead, Dr. Alan Wright, Anthony D. (Gt Yarmouth)
Wicks, Malcolm
Williams, rh Alan (Swansea W) Wright, David (Telford)
Williams, Betty (Conwy) Wright, Tony (Cannock)
Winnick, David Wyatt, Derek
Woodward, Shaun
Woolas, Phil Tellers for the Ayes:
Wray, James (Glasgow Baillieston) Mr. Gerry Sutcliffe and
Joan Ryan
Ainsworth, Peter (E Surrey) Jenkin, Bernard
Atkinson, David (Bour'mth E) Keetch, Paul
Atkinson, Peter (Hexham) Kennedy, rh Charles (Ross Skye & Inverness)
Bacon, Richard
Baker, Norman Kirkwood Sir Archy
Barker, Gregory Knight, rh Greg (E Yorkshire)
Baron, John (Billericay) Lait, Mrs Jacqui
Beggs, Roy (E Antrim) Lamb, Norman
Bellingham, Henry Lansley, Andrew
Beresford, Sir Paul Laws, David (Yeovil)
Boswell, Tim Leigh, Edward
Brady, Graham Lewis, Dr. Julian (New Forest E)
Brazier, Julian Liddell-Grainger, Ian
Brooke, Mrs Annette L. Lidington, David
Browning, Mrs Angela Llwyd, Elfyn
Bruce, Malcolm Loughton, Tim
Burnett, John Luff, Peter (M-Worcs)
Burns, Simon McIntosh Miss Anne
Burnside, David Maclean, rh David
Cable, Dr. Vincent McLoughlin, Patrick
Carmichael, Alistair Marsden, Paul (Shrewsbury & Atcham)
Cash, William
Chapman, Sir Sydney (Chipping Barnet) Moore, Michael
Moss, Malcolm
Chidgey. David Murrison, Dr. Andrew
Chope, Christopher Norman, Archie
Clifton-Brown, Geoffrey O'Brien, Stephen (Eddisbury)
Collins, Tim Öpik, Lembit
Cormack, Sir Patrick Osborne, George (Tatton)
Cotter, Brian Page, Richard
Davies, Quentin (Grantham & Stamford) Paice, James
Paisley, Rev. Ian
Djanogly, Jonathan Paterson, Owen
Dodds, Nigel Pickles, Eric
Donaldson, Jeffrey M. Portillo, rh Michael
Doughty, Sue Price, Adam (E Carmarthen & Dinefwr)
Duncan, Peter (Galloway)
Duncan Smith, rh Iain Prisk, Mark (Hertford)
Evans, Nigel Reid, Alan (Argyll & Bute)
Ewing, Annabelle Rendel, David
Fabricant, Michael Robathan, Andrew
Field, Mark (Cities of London & Westminster) Robertson, Angus (Moray)
Robertson, Hugh (Faversham & M-Kent)
Flight, Howard
Flook, Adrian Robertson, Laurence (Tewk'b'ry)
Forth, rh Eric Robinson Mrs Iris (Strangford)
Gibb, Nick (Bognor Regis) Robinson Peter (Belfast E)
Gillen, Mrs Cheryl Roe, Mrs Marion
Goodman, Paul Ruffley, David
Gray, James (N Wilts) Salmond, Alex
Grayling, Chris Sanders, Adrian
Green, Matthew (Ludlow) Sayeed, Jonathan
Grieve, Dominic Selous, Andrew
Hague, rh William Shepherd Richard
Harvey, Nick Smith, Sir Robert (W Ab'd'ns & Kincardine)
Hawkins, Nick
Heald, Oliver Smyth, Rev. Martin (Belfast S)
Heath, David Spelman, Mrs Caroline
Heathcoat-Amory, rh David Spicer, Sir Michael
Hendry, Charles Spink, Bob (Castle Point)
Hermon, Lady Spring, Richard
Hoban, Mark (Fareham) Steen, Anthony
Holmes, Paul Stunell, Andrew
Hunter, Andrew Swayne, Desmond
Jack, rh Michael Swire, Hugo (E Devon)
Syms, Robert Webb, Steve (Northavon)
Tapsell, Sir Peter Weir, Michael
Taylor, Ian (Esher) Widdecombe, rh Miss Ann
Taylor, John (Solihull) Wiggin, Bill
Taylor, Matthew (Truro) Wilkinson, John
Taylor, Dr. Richard (Wyre F) Willetts, David
Taylor, Sir Teddy Williams, Hywel (Caernarfon)
Thomas, Simon (Ceredigion) Williams, Roger (Brecon)
Thurso, John Willis, Phil
Tonge, Dr. Jenny Winterton, Ann (Congleton)
Tredinnick, David Wishart, Pete
Trend, Michael Yeo, Tim (S Suffolk)
Trimble, rh David Younger-Ross, Richard
Turner, Andrew (Isle of Wight)
Tyrie, Andrew Tellers for the Noes:
Waterson, Nigel Mr. Mark Francois and
Watkinson, Angela Mr. David Wilshire

Question accordingly agreed to.