HC Deb 25 March 2003 vol 402 cc217-8

'.—"Terrorism" has the meaning given by section I of the Terrorism Act 2000 (c.11).'. —[Mr. Hawkins.]

Brought up, and read the First time.

Mr. Hawkins

I beg to move, That the clause be read a Second time.

Mr. Deputy Speaker

With this it will be convenient to discuss the following:

Amendment No. 89, in page 1 [Clause 1], leave out line 6 and insert 'of the European Union that have abolished the death penalty in all circumstances'. Amendment No. 16, in page 1, line 7 [Clause 1], leave out from `to' to end of line 8 and insert, 'territories that are party to the European Convention on Human Rights'. Amendment No. 90, in page 1, line 7 [Clause 1], leave out from second 'territories' to end of line 8 and insert 'of the European Union that have abolished the death penalty in all circumstances'. Amendment No. 24, in page 1, line 8 [Clause 1], at end add— '(3) A territory may not be designated for the purposes of this Part unless that territory is—

  1. (a) a signatory to the European framework decision, or
  2. (b) a signatory to the convention implementing the Schengen agreement.'.
Government amendment Nos. 34, 46 and 48.

Amendment No. 1, in page 30, line 34 [Clause 63], leave out 'falls within the European framework list' and insert 'constitutes terrorism'. Amendment No. 2, in page 32, line 19 [Clause 64], leave out 'falls within the European framework list' and insert 'constitutes terrorism'. Amendment No. 3, in page 33 [Clause 65], leave out lines 45 and 46.

Amendment No. 25, in page 33, line 45 [Clause 65], leave out 'article 2.2 of the European framework decision' and insert 'Schedule (European Framework List)'. Amendment No. 26, in page 33, line 46 [Clause 65], at end insert— '(3A) Schedule (European Framework List) (which is the list of conduct referred to in subsection (3) above) shall have effect.'. Amendment No. 27, in page 33, line 46 [Clause 65], at end insert— '(3B) The Secretary of State may by order amend the list of conduct set out in Schedule (European Framework List), but only in so far as is necessary to incorporate any extensions or amendments made to article 2.2 of the European framework decision by the Council of the European Union.'. Amendment No. 28, in page 34, line 34 [Clause 68], at end add— '(3) A territory may not be designated for the purposes of this Part unless that territory is—

  1. (a) a territory with which the United Kingdom has entered into a bilateral treaty governing extradition arrangements as between the United Kingdom and that territory, or
  2. (b) a territory with which the United Kingdom has entered into a multilateral treaty governing extradition arrangements as between the United Kingdom, that territory and one or more other territories.'.
Amendment No. 29, in page 107, line 42 [Clause 198], at end insert— '(6A) The convention implementing the Schengen agreement is the convention made on 19 June 1990 implementing the Schengen agreement of 14 June 1985 between the governments of the states of the Benelux Economic Union, the Federal Republic of Germany and the French Republic on the gradual abolition of checks at their common borders (OJL239, 22.09.2000, p.19).'. Amendment No. 30, in page 109, line 5 [Clause 204], after '5(2),', insert '65(3B)'.

Amendment No. 31, in page 109, line 6 [Clause 204], after `5(2),', insert '65(3B)'.

New schedule 1—'SCHEDULE

Section 65