HC Deb 06 March 2003 vol 400 c1048

Division list No. 99,Official Report, Tuesday 4 March 2003, columns 758-61, should read as follows:

The House divided: Ayes 47, Noes 415.

Division No. 99]
Allan, Richard Kennedy, rh Charles(Ross Skye & Inverness)
Barrett, John
Beith, rh A. J. Kirkwood, Sir Archy
Brooke, Mrs Annette L. Lamb, Norman
Burnett, John Laws, David(Yeovil)
Burnside, David Llwyd, Elfyn
Burstow, Paul Moore, Michael
Cable, Dr. Vincent Oaten, Mark(Winchester)
Calton, Mrs Patsy Öpik, Lembit
Calton, Mrs Patsy Price Adam(E Carmarthen & Dinefwr)
Carmichael, Alistair
Chidgey, David Pugh, Dr. John
Cotter, Brian Reid, Alan(Argyll & Bute)
Davey, Edward(Kingston) Rendel, David
Doughty, Sue Robertson, Angus(Moray)
Ewing, Annabelle Salmond, Alex
Foster, Don(Bath) Sanders, Adrian
George, Andrew(St. Ives) Smvtn' Rev. Martin(Belfast s)
Gidley, Sandra Taylor, Matthew(Truro)
Green Matthew(Ludlow) Taylor, Dr. Richard(Wyre F)
Harris, Dr. Evan(Oxford W & Abingdon) Thurso, John
Thurso, John
Harvey, Nick Webb, Steve(Northavon)
Heath, David Weir, Michael
Holmes, Paul Williams, Hywel(Caernarfon)
Williams, Roger(Brecon)
Willis, Phil
Adams, Irene(Paisley N) Austin, John
Ainger, Nick Bacon, Richard
Ainsworth, Peter(E Surrey) Bailey, Adrian
Alexander, Douglas Baird, Vera
Allen, Graham Baldry, Tony
Amess, David Banks, Tony
Anderson, rh Donald(Swansea E) Barker, Gregory
Anderson, Janet(Rossendale & Darwen) Barnes, Harry
Baron, John(Billericay)
Arbuthnot, rh James Barron, rh Kevin
Armstrong, rh Ms Hilary Battle, John
Atkins, Charlotte Beard, Nigel
Begg, Miss Anne David, Wayne
Bellingham, Henry Davidson, Ian
Benn, Hilary Davies, rh Denzil(Llanelli)
Bennett, Andrew Davies, Geraint(Croydon C)
Benton, Joe(Bootle) Davies, Quentin(Grantham & Stamford)
Beresford, Sir Paul
Berry, Roger Davis, rh David(Haltemprice & Howden)
Best, Harold
Blackman, Liz Dawson, Hilton
Blears, Ms Hazel Dean, Mrs Janet
Blizzard, Bob Denham, rh John
Blunt, Crispin Dhanda, Parmjit
Boswell, Tim Dismore, Andrew
Bottomley, Peter(Worthing W) Dobbin, Jim(Heywood)
Bradley, rh Keith(Withington) Dobson, rh Frank
Bradley, Peter(The Wrekin) Donohoe, Brian H.
Bradshaw, Ben Doran, Frank
Brady, Graham Dowd, Jim(Lewisham W)
Brazier, Julian Drown, Ms Julia
Brennan, Kevin Duncan, Peter(Galloway)
Brown, Russell(Dumfries) Dunwoody, Mrs Gwyneth
Browning, Mrs Angela Eagle, Angela(Wallasey)
Bryant, Chris Eagle, Maria(L'pool Garston)
Buck, Ms Karen Edwards, Huw
Burden, Richard Efford, Clive
Burns, Simon Ellman, Mrs Louise
Burt, Alistair Ennis, Jeff(Barnsley E)
Byers, rh Stephen Evans, Nigel
Cairns, David Fabricant, Michael
Cameron, David Fallon, Michael
Campbell, Alan(Tynemouth) Farrelly, Paul
Campbell, Ronnie(Blyth V) Field, Mark(Cities of London & Westminster)
Caplin, Ivor
Casale, Roger Fisher, Mark
Cash, William Fitzpatrick, Jim
Caton, Martin Fitzsimons, Mrs Lorna
Cawsey, Ian(Brigg) Flight, Howard
Challen, Colin Flook, Adrian
Chapman, Ben(Wirral S) Forth, rh Eric
Chapman, Sir Sydney(Chipping Barnet) Foster, rh Derek
Foster, Michael(Worcester)
Chaytor, David Foster, Michael Jabez(Hastings & Rye)
Chope, Christopher
Clapham, Michael Fox, Dr. Liam
Clappison, James Francis, Dr. Hywel
Clark, Mrs Helen(Peterborough) Francois, Mark
Clark, Dr. Lynda(Edinburgh Pentlands) Gardiner, Barry
Garnier, Edward
Clark, Paul(Gillingham) George, rh Bruce(Walsall S)
Clarke, rh Tom(Coatbridge & Chryston) Gerrard, Neil
Gibb, Nick(Bognor Regis)
Clarke, Tony(Northampton S) Gibson, Dr. Ian
Clelland, David Gilroy, Linda
Clwyd, Ann(Cynon V) Godsiff, Roger
Coaker, Vernon Goggins, Paul
Coffey, Ms Ann Goodman, Paul
Cohen, Harry Gray, James(N Wilts)
Coleman, Iain Grayling, Chris
Collins, Tim Green, Damian(Ashford)
Colman, Tony Greenway, John
Cook, Frank(Stockton N) Grieve, Dominic
Cooper, Yvette Griffiths, Jane(Reading E)
Cormack, Sir Patrick Griffiths, Nigel(Edinburgh S)
Cousins, Jim Griffiths, Win(Bridgend)
Cran, James(Beverley) Grogan, John
Crausby, David Gummer, rh John
Cruddas, Jon Hain, rh Peter
Cryer, Ann(Keighley) Hall, Mike(Weaver Vale)
Cryer, John(Hornchurch) Hamilton, David(Midlothian)
Cummings, John Hamilton, Fabian(Leeds NE)
Cunningham, rh Dr. Jack(Copeland) Hammond, Philip
Harman, rh Ms Harriet
Cunningham, Jim(Coventry S) Harris, Tom(Glasgow Cathcart)
Cunningham, Tony(Workington) Havard, Dai(Merthyr Tydfil & Rhymney)
Dalyell, Tam
Davey, Valerie(Bristol W) Hawkins, Nick
Hayes, John(S Holland) Luff, Peter(M-Worcs)
Healey, John Luke, Iain(Dundee E)
Heathcoat-Amory, rh David McAvoy, Thomas
Henderson, Doug(Newcastle N) McCabe, Stephen
Henderson, Ivan(Harwich) McDonagh, Siobhain
Hendrick, Mark MacDonald, Calum
Hendry, Charles McDonnell, John
Hepburn, Stephen MacDougall, John
Heppell, John McFall, John
Hesford, Stephen McGuire, Mrs Anne
Hewitt, rh Ms Patricia McIntosh, Miss Anne
Heyes, David McIsaac, Shona
Hill, Keith(Streatham) Mackay, rh Andrew
Hoban, Mark(Fareham) McKenna, Rosemary
Hodge, Margaret Mackinlay, Andrew
Hoey, Kate(Vauxhall) McLoughlin, Patrick
Hood, Jimmy(Clydesdale) McNulty, Tony
Hope, Phil(Corby) McWalter, Tony
Hopkins, Kelvin McWilliam, John
Horam, John(Orpington) Mahmood, Khalid
Howarth, rh Alan(Newport E) Mahon, Mrs Alice
Howarth, George(Knowsley N & Sefton E) Malins Humfrey
Mallaber, Judy
Howarth, Gerald(Aldershot) Mann John(Bassetlaw)
Hughes, Beverley(Stretford & Urmston) Maples John
Mgrris Rob(Wolvern'ton sw)
Hughes, Kevin(Doncaster N) Marshall Jim(Leicester s)
Humble Mrs Joan Martlew, Eric
Hunter Andrew Mates, Michael
Hurst, Alan(Braintree) Mawhinney, rh Sir Brian
Hutton, rh John Mercer, Patrick
Iddon, Dr. Brian Michael, rh Alun
Illsley, Eric Miliband, David
Ingram, rh Adam Miller, Andrew
Jack, rh Michael Moffatt, Laura
Jackson, Glenda(Hampstead & Highgate) Mole, Chris
Moonie, Dr. Lewis
Jackson, Robert(Wantage) Morgan, Julie
Jamieson, David Moss, Malcolm
Jenkin, Bernard Mudie, George
Johnson, Boris(Henley) Mullin, Chris
Johnson, Miss Melanie(Welwyn Hatefield) Murphy, Denis(Wansbeck)
Murphy, Jim(Eastwood)
Jones, Jon Owen(Cardiff C) Murrison, Dr. Andrew
Jones, Martyn(Clwyd S) Naysmith, Dr. Doug
Jowell, rh Tessa O'Brien, Stephen(Eddisbury)
Joyce, Eric(Falkirk W) O'Hara, Edward
Kaufman, rh Gerald Olner' Bill
Keen, Alan(Feltham) Osborne, George(Tatton)
Keen, Ann(Brentford) Owen, Albert
Kelly, Ruth(Bo/ton W) Page, Richard
Key, Robert(Salisbury) Paice, James
Khabra, Piara S. Palmer, Dr Nick
Kilfoyle, Peter Picking, Anne
King, Andy(Rugby) Pickthall, Colin
Kirkbride, Miss Julie Plaskitt, James
Knight, Jim(S Dorset) Pollard, Kerry
Ladyman, Dr. Stephen Pond, Chris(Gravesham)
Laing, Mrs Eleanor Pope, Greg(Hyndburn)
Lammy, David Portillo, rh Michael
Laxton, Bob(Derby N) Pound, Stephen
Lazarowicz, Mark Prentice, Ms Bridget(Lewisham E)
Leigh, Edward
Leslie, Christopher Prentice, Gordon(Pendle)
Lewis, Ivan(Bury S) Prisk, Mark(Hertford)
Lewis, Dr. Julian(New Forest E) Prosser, Gwyn
Lewis, Terry(Worsley) Purchase, Ken
Liddell, rh Mrs Helen Quin, rh Joyce
Liddell-Grainger, Ian Quinn, Lawrie
Lilley, rh Peter Rammell, Bill
Linton, Martin Randall, John
Lloyd, Tony(Manchester C) Rapson, Syd(Portsmouth N)
Loughton, Tim Raynsford, rh Nick
Love, Andrew Redwood, rh John
Lucas, Ian(Wrexham) Reed, Andy(Loughborough)
Reid, rh Dr. John(Hamilton N & Bellshill) Shipley, Ms Debra
Simmonds, Mark
Robathan, Andrew Simpson, Keith(M-Norfolk)
Robertson, John(Glasgow Anniesland) Singh, Marsha
Skinner, Dennis
Robertson, Laurence(Tewk'b'ry) Smith, rh Chris(Islington S & Finsbury)
Robinson, Geoffrey(Coventry NW)
Smith, Geraldine(Morecambe & Lunesdale)
Robinson, Peter(Belfast E)
Roche, Mrs Barbara Smith, Jacqui(Redditch)
Roe, Mrs Marion Smith, John(Glamorgan)
Rooney, Terry Smith, Llew(Blaenau Gwent)
Rosindell, Andrew Soames, Nicholas
Roy, Frank(Motherwell) Soley, Clive
Ruane, Chris Southworth, Helen
Ruffley, David Spellar, rh John
Russell, Ms Christine(City of Chester) Spicer, Sir Michael
Spink, Bob(Castle Point)
Ryan, Joan(Enfield N) Spring, Richard
Sarwar, Mohammad Stanley, rh Sir John
Savidge, Malcolm Steen, Anthony
Sawford, Phil Steinberg, Gerry
Sayeed, Jonathan Stevenson, George
Sedgemore, Brian Stinchcombe, Paul
Selous, Andrew Strang, rh Dr. Gavin
Shaw, Jonathan Streeter, Gary
Sheerman, Barry Stringer, Graham
Shepherd, Richard Stuart, Ms Gisela
Sheridan, Jim Sutcliffe, Gerry
Swayne, Desmond Ward, Claire
Syms, Robert Wareing, Robert N.
Tami, Mark(Alyn) Waterson, Nigel
Taylor, rh Ann(Dewsbury) Watkinson, Angela
Taylor, Dari(Stockton S) Watts, David
Taylor, Ian(Esher) White, Brian
Taylor, John(Solihull) Whitehead, Dr. Alan
Taylor, Sir Teddy Whittingdale, John
Thomas, Gareth(Clwyd W) wicks, Malcolm
Thomas, Gareth(Harrow W) Widdecombe, rh Miss Ann
Timms, Stephen Wiggin, Bill
Todd, Mark(S Derbyshire) Williams, rh Alan(Swansea W)
Touhig, Don(Islwyn) Wilshire, David
Trendinnick, David Wilson, Brian
Trickett, Jon Winnick, David
Truswell, Paul Winterton, Ann(Congleton)
Truner, Andrew(Isle of Wight) Winterton, Sir Nicholas(Macclesfield)
Turner, Dennis(Wolverh'ton SE)
Turner, Dr. Desmond(Brighton Kemptown)
Turner, Neil(Wigan) Woodward, Shaun
Twigg, Derek(Halton) Woolas, Phil
Twigg, Stephen(Enfield) Wright, Anthony D.(Gt Yarmouth)
Tyrie, Andrew
Vaz, Keith(Leicester E) Wright, David(Telford)
Walley, Ms Joan Wright, Tony(Cannock)
Walter, Robert Yeo, Tim(S Suffolk)
Young, rh Sir George
Question accordingly negatived.