HC Deb 02 April 2003 vol 402 cc903-4
4. Mr. Andrew Miller (Ellesmere Port and Neston)

What action he is taking to encourage partnership work between local authorities and business.[106162]

The Deputy Prime Minister (Mr. John Prescott)

We are legislating to introduce business improvement districts in the Local Government Bill. Those schemes will allow local authorities and businesses to work together to put in place projects to improve their areas. Projects should include landscaping, more frequent street cleaning or faster removal of graffiti.

We are also legislating in the Bill to introduce local authority growth incentives. The aim is to increase the incentive for local authorities to work in partnership with local business and others to maximise local economic growth and regeneration.

Mr. Miller

My right hon. Friend will know of the success of Cheshire Oaks in my constituency. Last year, it attracted nearly 7 million day visitors. The project is a partnership between the private sector in the form of McArthur Glen and the public sector in the form of the local authority and central Government. All have played important roles. Several Departments have been involved, most recently through West Cheshire college, which provides training for retail staff. Will my right hon. Friend bring that success to the attention of all his ministerial colleagues because all Departments have a role in such schemes?

The Deputy Prime Minister

My hon. Friend is right to describe such schemes as successful partnerships between the private and the public sectors. The Bill to which I referred takes that further to allow improved contracts between local authorities and local businesses by funding a levy system, which would permit an addition to the business rate.

Mr. Gary Streeter (South-West Devon)

In his mission to bring together local authorities and businesses, is the Deputy Prime Minister pursuing a strategy of unity in adversity? Does he know that, throughout the west country, councils and local firms are coming together, united in their opposition to a financial settlement that is leading to such massive council tax increases, closely followed by national insurance contribution increases? They constitute a tax on jobs.

The Deputy Prime Minister

It is a pity that the hon. Gentleman did not refer to the partnerships that have been established in the west country in the public and private sectors and developed by the west country development companies. They have provided many jobs and the hon. Gentleman should pay attention to that.