HC Deb 02 April 2003 vol 402 c1038 7.57 pm
Bob Spink (Castle Point)

I have a further petition, Mr. Deputy Speaker.

As a Member of Parliament, I have a duty to listen to all views and give voice to them, even those with which I fundamentally disagree. The petition is on Iraq. I believe that if taking action in Iraq saves more lives than not doing so, we must have leaders who have the moral courage to take that action. That is why I supported the Prime Minister in his action. Until the outcome is clear, we will not know which side of the argument will survive. What is certain is that we who live in a democracy must always be prepared to listen. I therefore present the following petition to the House.

The petition states: To the House of Commons. The Petition of Mrs. Susan Al-Shaar, Mrs. Joan Wills and Mr. Rob Cook. Declares that, whilst unreservedly condemning the dictatorship of Saddam Hussein, supporting the cause of democracy in all countries of the Middle East and expressing solidarity with civilian Iraqi men, women and children who will be the main victims of any war, opposes any military attack on Iraq by the USA or Britain; believes no case for war has been made, such action is in defiance of international law, and hold that it is possible to resolve the present international crisis by exclusively peaceful means. The Petitioners therefore respectfully request that the House of Commons urge the Government to stop this war and to pursue peaceful means to bring about a satisfactory resolution. And the Petitioners remain, etc. To lie upon the Table.