HC Deb 31 October 2002 vol 391 cc982-1000

The Secretary of State was asked—

  1. Miners' Compensation 1,300 words
  2. cc984-6
  3. Rural Post Offices 734 words
  4. cc986-9
  5. Energy Efficiency 1,612 words
  6. cc989-91
  7. GATS Initiative 844 words
  8. cc991-2
  9. Fireworks 443 words
  10. cc992-3
  11. Credit Cards 598 words
  12. cc993-6
  13. Electricity Supply Industry 1,471 words
  14. cc996-1000
  15. MINISTER FOR WOMEN 4 words
    1. cc996-8
    2. Women Entrepreneurs 906 words
    3. cc998-9
    4. Gender Pay Gap 372 words
    5. cc999-1000
    6. Race and Employment Directives 251 words