HC Deb 18 November 2002 vol 394 cc352-4
5. Dr. Brian Iddon (Bolton, South-East)

What assistance she gives to create new facilities for the game of cricket.[81372]

The Minister for Sport (Mr. Richard Caborn)


Dr. Iddon

My second innings.

Mr. Caborn

Very good. The Opposition were obviously slow at getting to the wicket.

The Government support the provision of new cricket facilities through various means, including funding from the sports lottery fund administered by Sport England. The lottery sports fund has awarded almost 600 grants totalling £74.8 million towards the creation of new cricket facilities.

Dr. Iddon

Fortunately, cricket is still very popular in my constituency, but some of the older grounds need investment, especially in pavilions. My ethnic minority constituents are finding it increasingly difficult to play the game owing to a shortage of grounds. Will my right hon. Friend bear that in mind when he is facilitating and helping the game of cricket?

Mr. Caborn

Very much so. If my hon. Friend wants to write to me about any specific case, I will take it up. I congratulate the England and Wales Cricket Board on its recent initiative. It is now one of the best governing bodies in sport, and has involved the grassroots through every secondary and primary school and through the facilities in its academy. The link with Channel 4 through "Howzat?" is good to look at and is used by schools. Other governing bodies should look into ways of involving grassroots sport. There are probably more young people playing cricket now than there have been for many generations.

Mr. Tony Baldry (Banbury)

Will the Minister find time to visit Banbury cricket club so that he can have a better understanding of the difficulties that it is experiencing with the Charity Commissioners? Is it not time that charity law was overhauled? It seems strange that recreation is a charitable pursuit, but not sport. For many cricket clubs such as the Banbury cricket club that is a complete headache.

Mr. Caborn

I could not agree more, which is why the performance and innovation unit report on charities a few weeks ago stated that amateur sport ought to have charitable status as of right. We would welcome that, and it is unfortunate that it has taken something like 150 years to revisit the subject of charities. The hon. Gentleman is right that the subject should have been revisited earlier, probably by the previous Administration. However, I agree that the matter needs to be simplified and we have done what we can within the current rules. I hope that more clubs will apply for and get charitable status, but the Charity Commission is looking at that sympathetically under the new leadership of John Stoker. I hope that we can make progress.

Mr. Stephen Hepburn (Jarrow)

Is the Minister aware that there is not one school cricket side in South Tyneside? Surely if we are to try to encourage greater participation in cricket, we need to get to the schools and make sure that youngsters get involved at an early age. Will he look into the unique case of South Tyneside—and at other boroughs with a similarly low wealth base—to make sure that cricket is available to everybody, not just the better schools?

Mr. Caborn

I will look at that matter. The ECB wants to get round to every single primary and secondary school with senior players and to provide facilities. Anyone visiting Lord's will see that the facilities that are being developed, including a new CD-ROM, are excellent. The facilities are there to get cricket into schools and the investment is going in, as the ECB has a strategy for the development of indoor and outdoor cricket facilities. Quick cricket is also taking off in many schools. I am surprised by what my hon. Friend says, but if he wants to write to me I will take the matter up with the ECB and see if we can do something about it.

Mr. David Heath (Somerton and Frome)

In my village, we are aware of the support given by the ECB and by Somerset county cricket club, which has been excellent. However, the key to good cricket is good cricket pitches. What is the Minister doing to encourage the training and employment of good groundsmen in the public sector?

Hon. Members

Good question.

Mr. Caborn

That is a very good question, as my hon. Friends have said. I cannot answer it at the moment, but I will ask the ECB. The quality of our pitches is not what might be expected, but the development of artificial surfaces ought to be looked at. Such pitches do not need the same maintenance and are more cost-effective. They are a little more expensive on the capital side but are much more effective on the revenue side and, with floodlighting, can be used 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, with very little wear. There is a revolution in terms of sports facilities and cricket is looking at that. However, I will take the point up with the ECB.

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