HC Deb 13 May 2002 vol 385 c501
35. Mr. Chris Bryant (Rhondda)

How many (a) men and (b) women the Church of England has ordained in the last year. [53996]

Mr. Stuart Bell (Second Church Estates Commissioner, representing the Church Commissioners)

Two hundred and eighty two men and 214 women were ordained as deacons during 2001.

Mr. Bryant

Is the hon. Gentleman aware that, last year, one third of the curates employed by the Church were women, that one in 20 vicars were women and that only one in 110 archdeacons were women? When does he think that the Church of England will manage to achieve parity between men and women in its employment practices, and when does he expect the first female Archbishop of Canterbury to be appointed?

Mr. Bell

As I have already said, the choice of the future Archbishop is not—God be praised—in the gift of the Church Commissioners. On my hon. Friend's important wider point, the gender of candidates is not an issue when they are considered for ordination. However, the Priests (Ordination of Women) Measure 1993 contains provisions for those in the Church of England who have objections on the grounds of theology and conscience to accepting the priestly ministry of women.

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