HC Deb 04 March 2002 vol 381 cc1-20

The Secretary of State was asked —

  1. Attendance Allowance 839 words
  2. cc3-4
  3. Carers 602 words
  4. cc4-6
  5. Housing Benefit 985 words
  6. cc6-10
  7. Annuities 2,106 words
  8. cc10-3
  9. Minimum Income Guarantee 1,083 words
  10. cc13-4
  11. Equal Opportunities 696 words
  12. cc14-6
  13. Rapid Response Service 928 words
  14. cc16-8
  15. New Deal for Disabled People 848 words
  16. cc18-20
  17. Incapacity Benefit 827 words