HC Deb 04 March 2002 vol 381 c77

Amendments made: No. 15, in page 10, line 30, leave out "District Judges (Magistrates" Courts)" and insert "Resident Magistrates".

No. 132, in page 10, line 31, leave out— 'District Judge (Magistrates' Courts) in Northern Ireland' and insert "resident magistrate".

No. 133, in page 10, line 32, leave out from "other" to end of line 33 and insert— 'resident magistrates and the deputy resident magistrates.'.

No. 134, in page 10, line 34, leave out— 'District Judge (Magistrates' Courts) in Northern Ireland' and insert "resident magistrate".

No. 135, in page 10, line 37, leave out— 'District Judge (Magistrates' Courts) in Northern Ireland' and insert "resident magistrate".

No. 136, in page 10, line 38, leave out from "a" to "pending" in line 40 and insert— 'resident magistrate to act as Presiding resident magistrate,'.

No. 137, in page 11, line 2, leave out— 'District Judge (Magistrates' Courts) in Northern Ireland' and insert "resident magistrate".—[Mr. Browne.]

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