HC Deb 11 June 2002 vol 386 c838

Amendments made: No. 245, in page 85, line 23, leave out "81(1)" and insert "81".

No. 246, in page 85, line 26, leave out "81(1)" and insert "81".

No. 244, in page 85, line 39, at end insert— '(3) A person may bring or continue an appeal under this section while he is in the United Kingdom only if he would be able to bring or continue the appeal while he was in the United Kingdom if it were an appeal under section 66(1) of that Act.'.

No. 247, in page 86, line 33, at end insert— '15A Paragraph 9 of Schedule 4 to that Act (appeals: procedure: Convention cases) shall be amended as follows—

  1. (a) in sub-paragraph (1)(a). omit "(4), (5)", and
  2. (b) omit sub-paragraphs (4) and (5).'.—[Mr. Jim Murphy.]

Bill, as amended in the Standing Committee, to be further considered tomorrow.