HC Deb 17 July 2002 vol 389 cc270-2
2. Mr. Ian Liddell-Grainger (Bridgwater)

What discussions he has had with the First Secretary of the National Assembly regarding assistance for regional airports. [67873]

The Secretary of State for Wales (Mr. Paul Murphy)

I have regular discussions with the First Minister about matters affecting Wales, including a wide range of transport issues.

I was delighted to hear the recent announcement that BMI is to use Cardiff International airport as a base for flights to the European mainland. That is a tribute to the airport operators as well as to the Assembly and its partners in marketing Wales as an attractive place to do business.

Mr. Liddell-Grainger

Many people from Somerset use the airports at Bristol and at Cardiff, where BMI is now an operator, to go abroad, and one problem with getting to both those regional airports is the road system. Given that the regional consultation document will come out later this year, will the Minister do what he can, when the consultation is over, to make sure that people who want to use the airports, in an area that is not well known for easy access, will have the chance to do so?

Mr. Murphy

Obviously, I will do what I can. In the job that I hold I cannot promise that I can do much for Bristol, but I can probably do a little more for Cardiff. I take the hon. Gentleman's point that in south-west England, which includes his constituency, and south Wales there is a need for the road and rail system to integrate with the air transport system. He made valid points, and I shall certainly make sure that I raise them when I discuss the matter with the First Minister.

Mr. John Smith (Vale of Glamorgan)

I agree with my right hon. Friend that the best way to boost regional airports is to attract low-cost airlines, such as bmibaby, which we have just secured as an operator at Cardiff International airport. That will mean an increase of up to 1 million passengers a year coming through Cardiff, but it could also mean 500,000 traffic movements on the road to the airport, so it will present challenges concerning access. Will my right hon. Friend look into that matter?

Mr. Murphy

The point made by the hon. Member for Bridgwater (Mr. Liddell-Grainger) is exactly the one made by my hon. Friend. I agree with him about the numbers. He will know that about 1.5 million passengers a year use Cardiff International airport, and with BMI coming on board that figure will rise to 2.5 million. That is good news for Wales and for my hon. Friend's constituency.

Lembit Öpik (Montgomeryshire)

The experiences of the south of Ireland have shown that the economic development of regional airports directly stimulates economic development around them, and that has been very beneficial. Is the Secretary of State aware that Welshpool and other regional airports in Wales have strategic plans to, for example, extend runways and terminal facilities? Is he willing to lend Wales Office support to the inevitable consultation with the Civil Aviation Authority as those airports seek to extend their operations?

Mr. Murphy

I very much take the hon. Gentleman's point about regional airports as well as the other airports in Wales that I have mentioned, and I have been to Welshpool airport. The Under-Secretary of State for Wales, my hon. Friend the Member for Islwyn (Mr. Touhig), and the Under-Secretary of State for Transport, my hon. Friend the Member for Plymouth, Devonport (Mr. Jamieson), who deals with these matters, have been in discussion about the regional air services study, which will come out shortly. It will examine the need for road and rail links to airports in Wales, as well as their potential for economic growth. They are indeed magnets for such growth, and the hon. Gentleman can be assured that we will take up those matters.

Chris Ruane (Vale of Clwyd)

Will my right hon. Friend use his position to ask the management of BAe in Broughton in north-east Wales if it will open its runway to commercial private use for airlines in Wales? After all, BAe has received £250 million of public funds to help it to develop the airbus, and the least that it could do is open the runway.

Mr. Murphy

I will be in north Wales in a few weeks, and I shall certainly make sure that I raise the issue. It is important because although many people in north Wales use Manchester airport, a regional airport in north-east Wales would be a great advantage to my hon. Friend's constituency.

Mr. Evans

Will the Secretary of State congratulate Air Wales on its new routes from Cardiff to Edinburgh and Glasgow, which are a great boost to Cardiff in the light of British Airways's reduction and withdrawal of services from the airport? In recognising the importance of regional airports such as Swansea and Cardiff, will he set up and chair a working party including, for example, the Welsh Development Agency and local authority chief executives and development officers, who can drive forward and assist regional airports in Wales so that the whole of Wales, especially the outer-lying areas, can fully benefit from the extra business opportunities that this will bring?

Mr. Murphy

I know that the hon. Gentleman has taken a special interest in the airport at Swansea, and he is right to point out that Cardiff has new services to Glasgow and Edinburgh. I am aware of the aspirations to have a service from Swansea to Scotland, which would be good news for west Wales and indeed for Wales in general. As to the hon. Gentleman's suggestion that I chair a working party, it would be a good idea for him and other hon. Members who are interested in these issues to meet me to discuss the way forward.