HC Deb 15 July 2002 vol 389 cc5-6
3. Dr. Vincent Cable (Twickenham)

If he will make a statement on the sale of his Department's housing. [66960]

The Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Defence (Dr. Lewis Moonie)

As the hon. Gentleman will know, most of the families quarters estate in England and Wales was sold in 1996 to a private company, Annington Homes Ltd., under a sale and leaseback agreement. Under the agreement, houses that subsequently become surplus to defence requirements are released to Annington for disposal. The identification of surplus properties for release is a matter for the Department. but the method of subsequent disposal or usage by Annington is entirely a matter for the company based on its commercial judgment.

Dr. Cable

What estimate has the Department made of the cost to the Exchequer of this privatisation? The property was sold off before the current housing boom, but is now being leased back at market rates or new houses are having to be built. In my constituency, Ministry of Defence houses are in surplus, so they are being rented by the developer at commercial rates at no benefit to the taxpayer or to the armed forces? Is that not a scandal? What are the Government doing about it?

Andrew Mackinlay (Thurrock)

Who is responsible? Who are the guilty men?

Dr. Moonie

I hesitate to point out yet again that that was a matter for the last Government. It was not the best deal that a Government have made, as I am sure we are all aware.

There is no action that I can take to affect the sale of houses in the constituency of the hon. Member for Twickenham (Dr. Cable). Those houses are the property of Annington Homes and our agreement with it must be obeyed. It imposes a considerable cost on our budget to maintain the leaseback arrangements, but I can see no alternative.

Mr. Robert Key (Salisbury)

Before the Minister makes an irrevocable decision to sell off the houses owned by the Ministry of Defence at Dean Hill munitions depot, will he bear it in mind that by doing so he is destroying the heart of a rural community? Will he also have a word with Lockheed Martin, which said of the team that services our Paveway bombs at that establishment and is to be disbanded, that the work force at West Dean are quite simply the best?

Dr. Moonie

The decision to change the use of that establishment is not a matter for me, but the sale of the houses is. If houses are surplus to requirements, we have a duty to ensure that we receive the best financial deal when we sell them. However, we always take account of social need. Where possible, the houses are transferred to an appropriate agency outwith the Ministry of Defence.

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